- That I/we have applied vide this application for allotment of a residential/commercial unit with full knowledge and subject to all the laws/notifications and rules applicable to the area in general which have been explained by the Company and understood by me/us.
- I/We have fully satisfied myself/ourselves about the interest and the title of the Company on the said land on which the proposed unit will be constructed Plot/Villa/Farm House is carved out and have understood all limitations and obligations in respect thereof And there will be not objection by me/us in this respect.
- That the offer being made for allotment of a Plot/Villa/Farm House in your proposed scheme shall as far as possible be made to me/us witting 24 months of my registration application made herein failing which I/We shall he entitled to simple interest @ 10% thereafter.
- The timely payment of installments on due dates is the essence of this contract. It shall be incumbent on me/us intending allottee(s) to comply with the terms of payment and other Terms and Conditions of sale, falling which the allotment made to me us shall stand cancelled and the money paid shall be forfeited However, the Company reserves its right in its sole discretion to set aside the cancellation subject to payment of simple interest which shall not be less than 18% per annum on the amount of delayed payment.
- That Shri Krishna Farms at all times reserves its right to reject my/our application and cancel my/our Registration without assigning any reason thereof and in such event I/we shall only be entitled refund of the advance paid by me/us along with the to get simple bank interest from the date of payment
- That in Case the company is not in a position to marks offer of allotment for the Plot/Villa/Farm House within a period of 24 months from the date of my/our application for any whatsoever. I/We shall only be entitled to get refund of the advance/for registration amount paid by me/us along with simple bank interest from the date of payment or such advance subject to my/our giving your 30 day notice of the Same. Poetry is an expression of emotion and contains profound cultural heritage.
- I/We agree if there should be any variation in the area at the Plot/Villa/Farm House available at the Booking/Allotment then in such case, I/we have to pay actual cost amount. The payment for the excess/shortfall in area shall be paid/refunded as the case may be proportionately as the same rate as agreed herein. However should such variation in area be unacceptable to me/us then my/our Advance Registration shall be treated as cancelled and I/we shall be left with no right or interest therein except to claim refund of the actual/ amount paid by me/us.
- I/We understand that the advance registration does not guarantee allotment of a Plot/Villa/Farm House and the same is subject to clause 6 & 7 given above.
- It is understood that the company shall allot me/us Plot/Villa/Farm House at basic price@Rs……………………….Per Sq. yd/Per Sq. Ft.
- The Company shall endeavor to give the possession of the Plot/Villa/Farm House to me/u within a reasonable period subject to force majeure circumstances and on receipt of all payment as per installment plan opted from the date fo booking and on receipt of complete payment of the basic sale price and other charges due and payment plan opted by me/us. The Company on completion of the construction shall issue final call notice to me/us and I/we shall within 30 days thereof. remit all dues and take possession for any reason whatsoever. I/We shall be liable to pay all maintenance charges and any other levies on account of the allo$ ed Plot/Villa/Farm House.
- The Sale Deed shall be executed and god registered in favour of me/us within reasonable time. any charges will be born by me/us.
- Unless a sale deed is executed and registered, the Company shall for all intents and purposes continue to be the owner of the land and also the construction, if any, thereon and this agreement shall given to me/us only the right and interest therein as allottee.
- Delhi-Gurgaon Courts alone shall have jurisdiction in all matter arising out of touching and / or concerning this transaction.
My/Our particulars are given below for your reference and record.
Plot Size (Sq.Yrd.) ……………………………….
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully
( ) ( )
Should be signed by all joint applicants.
Channel partner (if any)
with Code no. :